The ways to defeat the secrecy surrounding the existence of MIND CONTROL



written by Mojmir BABACEK, November.2014
edited by Rudy ANDRIA, December 2014.

There has been in the past decade an obvious tendency in world
politics to place the struggle for power above the struggle for
democracy. This can be exemplified by the current situation in
Ukraine. You probably know that in the recent elections the majority
of eastern Ukrainians did not vote for parties promoting Ukrainian
membership in the European Union. Yet, both democratic European Union
and the USA support the war of western Ukrainians against their
eastern compatriots, while democratic Russia supports eastern
Ukrainians in the war against western Ukrainians. Isn’t this an
evidence that in the contemporary world democracy is not the priority
for the power elites and financial entities behind them?
     The issue of the classification of mind control technologies is
part of this policy of favoring power to the detriment of democracy.
There would be no reason to hide those technologies from people if we
were living in a world where democracy would prevail.
     The fact that mind control technologies are classified is the
reason why mind control technologies can be used on innocent people.
Governments are perfectly aware of the fact that once the citizens
know that their governments are in possession of the technology which
can be used to control the citizens' thinking and bodily functions,
they would demand an immediate and verifiable ban of those
technologies. Knowing that governments are in possession of such
technologies is tantamount to knowing that democracy no longer exists.
Consequently, our effort to disseminate information on the existence
of this technology among people is an effort to save democracy and the
salvation of democracy can also be defined as a goal of this
     For the victims of experimentation with those technologies, the
classification of those technologies is the major obstacle to
regaining freedom and good health. Once the technology meant for the
remote control of the human nervous system is declassified, the only
possible thing next step  is the promulgation of a law banning the use
of those technologies and the setting up of some teams in a position
to measure and detect harmful radiations and their sources. Targeted
victims will then be able to demand that the use of those technologies
against them should be controlled and that their torture be put to an
end. The major problem is that so far only very few people are
affected by those radiations and they have no chance to prevail in
democratic processes since they are few in number.
     There are several ways of attracting loads of people's attention
to the issue of mind control technologies andto make lawmakers and
government officials work towards the ban of the use of radiations on
the nervous system:
     The first approach is to disseminate convincing evidence on the
existence of mindcontrol technology via the Internet. There is a
certain amount of published scientific experiments proving that pulsed
microwaves can produce effects on the nervous system including
auditory hallucinations and microwave hearing. This scientific
evidence can be supported by information from the Defence Ministries'
websites of the NATO states which are involved in the development of
non-lethal weapons. This weaponry includes radiofrequency weapons
acting on the nervous system as is stated in the European Parliament's
"Crowd Control Technologies" report

 A case in point is the Defence Ministry's site of the Czech Republic where
we may read:  “High frequency electromagnetic radiation…disrupts the activity
 of the brain and the central nervous system. The effect is perceived by the
 individual both as an unbearable painful sensation of intense hum and
squeaking accompanied by anxiety and uneasiness depending on the precise
conditions and parameters of the signal”.
In order to hide this information from the Czech public this article, apparently,
 is no longer directly accessible on the Czech Defence Ministry's site, although
 you may still find it, if you know the exact address of the article

Further evidence of the fact that at least certain governments are in possession 
of mind control technologies can be found in political actions aimed either at
the ban of mind control technologies or at their military use.      
Russia was proposing the ban of radio wave weapons which it considered to be
weapons of mass destruction in the U.N. Committee on Disarmament as far back
as 1986. The only negative vote on the committee was cast by the USA,
so there was no ban of those weapons. In 1998 Russia addressed the United Nations,
the OSCE and the European Council with a proposal for an international
convention banning the development and use of informational weapons.

There were then four bills proposing the ban of mind control technologies
in the Russian Parliament. The European Union cooperated with Russia in
the following year and in 1999 the European Parliament passed the resolution
calling for the ban of human beings' manipulation. Russia and the European
Union obviously cooperated in order to prevent advances in the setting up
of the American HAARP system which can apparently be used to manipulate
the nervous system of entire populations. Clearly, the convention banning
the development and use of informational weapons once again was not signed,
because of the USA's reluctance. Quite the opposite, they managed to convince
the European Union states to accept the development of non-lethal weapons
in their military doctrines and to abandon their efforts to ban mind control technologies.

In 2001 Dennis J. Kucinich opposed the decision of the U.S. government to keep
their mind control technologies and presented to the U.S. Congress the Space
Preservation Act demanding, among others, the ban of those technologies.
However, his efforts did not last long. After the long silence on this issue,
when in 2012 Russia faced the danger that its nuclear weapons would no longer
pose a threat to the USA, it chose the opposite line of action and
Russian Defence Minister declared that psychotronic weapons were part of t
he Russian state's arms procurement program for the 2011 to 2020 time period      

Those governments and members of parliaments' actions together with
the above-mentioned scientific publications present convincing evidence
that the devices which make it possible to remotely manipulate the human
body's functions and brain activity do indeed exist.     
 The trouble is that if you gather this kind of evidence and publish it on the Internet
- since no big media dare to publish classified information - your publication on
the Internet is bound to be targeted by government agencies.
Here's a case in point again: when I published the article
"How Far in the Future is the Ban of Psychotronic Weapons", all messages
referring to my international webpage were blocked and treated as spams
on Facebook and as malware on Twitter. My webpages connected with this
information both in Czech and English languages got removed from the Internet.

Obviously, western secret services and more especially those from America
did not wish any event like the Arab Spring to happen in the western
hemisphere countries. We would  need some task on a regular basis
to expose the government agencies' activities to the Internet public.
It would mean recording the sites with a camera when the information is
placed on the Internetand recording them as well, when they are no longer
available or when any data referring to them has been blocked on Facebook
or Twitter. The videos which show the government agencies' dealings should
then be placed on YouTube, together with the new webpage address of
the text in question. The whole story should also be described in a few articles
on the Internet.
To avoid repression from the state agencies, this task should be done by a
group of people and not by only one person. This would be the way of having
loads of people realize that the state agencies are hiding from them their
possession of the technologies meant for the remote control ofthe human mind
and body. If anyone wants to take part in this effort, please send an email to my 
address .    

The second way of fighting the secrecy surrounding weapons enabling remote
control of the nervous system is informing members of parliaments about
the existence of those technologies. Most of them apparently do not have
the security clearances to get this kind of information.
I have talked to two members of the Czech Parliament but clearly enough, 
none of them was aware of the of the Czech Parliament but clearly enough, 
none of them was aware of the possibility of remotely controlling the nervous 

 It could then be taken for granted that since they have never heard of the existence 
of mind control technologies, they cannot feel obliged to ban their use.
However, we do know that members of parliaments usually do not care about 
the issues the general public does not care about.
 So public pressure for the ban of mind control technologies is necessary to make 
members of parliaments feel obliged to work toward this goal.

MP’s should be addressed individually,we should make sure they have received 
the information and citizens should know 
 which MP’s have been informed. Again, this should be done only by
an organized group of people and it should be the same group of people who
should try to inform the general public. A list strictly dedicated to this task
should be published on the Internet.     

The third way of making governments
and legislative bodies enact a law banning mind control technology and to set up
teams of people who are in a position to detect those harmful radiations is
presenting the evidence of such technology's feasibility to the constitutional courts
and to demand the verifiable ban of the development, possession and use
of technologies which can remotely manipulate the nervous system.

The problem is that constitutional courts are usually not authorized to propose
new legislation. The Czech Republic's Constitutional Court does not have this
right so far. The only way around this is to file a lawsuit in a regular court. I
n case this court denies the action, then challenge its decision with the constitutional court.
The trouble is that to file a meaningful lawsuit we need irrevocable evidence.
Hopefully, such irrevocable evidence can be possible with the use of various
detection devices.  Irrevocable evidence is evidence developed in a scientific way.
Most detectors available on the market are able to detect frequencies up to 8 GHz.
Most scientists experimenting with the effects of pulsed microwave radiation on
the human brain have come to a conclusion that carrier microwave frequencies
above 3 GHz do not have any effects. The reason is that the higher the microwave
frequency is, the faster it is absorbed in the human tissue and for that reason,
it does not go deep enough into the brain to produce any effects there.
Yet, there are windows with frequencies above 3 GHz where electromagnetic
waves would go deep enough into the brain tissue to produce effects on the
nervous system. Those so-called frequencies include the red light frequencies
and near infrared light. The red light with 620 to 750 nanometers wavelength goes
1 centimeter deep into the brain tissue and is able to affect about one quarter
of the brain grey matter. The near infrared light with 700 to 800 nanometers w
avelength normally goes 3 to 4 centimeters deep into the tissue,

but when the geometrical waveform of near infrared light is changed, this light can be
made to go to 20 centimeters deep into the human tissue. Red and near infrared lights'
going into the human tissue is explained by the fact that the average wavelength of
the cell tissue's activity in the human body ranges between 600 nanometers and
720 nanometers

which match frequencies of red and infrared light. There are studies suggesting
the ability of near infrared light to affect the activity of nerve fibres
 To make the nervous system more likely to be controlled by pulsed frequencies of light, no microchips are needed. Scientists have developed viruses which can most likely make
neurons react to pulsed frequencies of light
So, to make a human being likely to get his nervous system manipulated, you only
need to make him eat some contaminated food or have him get vaccinated.
Just two examples: one of the pioneers of this research, Gero Miesenbock cut off the
head of a fly and then used the pulsed light to make its body fly and it did fly.

Another one, Carl Diesenroth, had a mouse run and made it turn only to the left with the use of pulsed light     

However, red and near infrared lights do not go through walls and other optical barriers


 and for that reason, they cannot continuously manipulate the nervous system.
The red light is visible and could be detected rather easily. We often wonder
whether the same viruses which can make neurons react to light may make them
react to microwave frequencies from 100 Megahertz to 3 Gigahertz, which go into
the human brain. If this cannot be done, contemporary science is most likely able to
develop viruses which may make neurons react to microwave frequencies as well.
The frequencies of near infrared light, which is invisible, can be detected by special

We may also wonder whether waveforms of frequencies above 3 GHz can be
altered to make them go into the human tissue. Detectors of frequencies used
by NATO (20 -  40 GHz) can be found on Internet     

 Extensive experimentation with the available devices should be carried out when
searching for evidence of the use of the so-called“psychoactive” pulsed microwave
frequencies on human beings. If this evidence is found, it should be presented to
the media and the courts. Such evidence should be sufficient reason for them
to demand legislation banning the possession and use of mind control technologies
by private individuals as well as by organizations and government agencies.
It is obvious that the media as well as the courts will want to check the evidence
in some scientific laboratories. For that purpose, it is worth asking such
laboratories to check the evidence, even before it is presented to the media or the courts.

Most scientists are open-minded and receptive enough when facing convincing
video-recorded evidence, so they may be quite willing to check everything with
their precision instruments.      

Now what is meant by "convincing evidence"?
According to various studies, the power density of electromagnetic radiation in
the cities is most of the time no more than 5 microwatts per square centimeter.
However, in an Indian city the measurement has happened to reach 1mw per
square centimeter.

Most scientists who experimented with the effects of microwave radiation on h
uman organisms have agreed that the necessary power density does not exceed 
10 mW per  square centimeter. In Allen Frey's experiment with microwave auditory effect,
the average power density has varied for different frequencies and pulse widths
from 0.4 mW per square centimeter to 7.1 milliwat per square centimeter.
In Ross Adey’s experiments with calcium efflux from the nervous system, the efflux
has occurred only within the range of power density from 0.1 to 1mW
per square centimeter. In other units he got the best results when using the intensity
of electromagnetic field of 10 V per meter and 56 V per meter.
Given that the power density of mind control frequencies is close to electromagnetic
smog in the cities, it is advisable to take the power-density measurements outside the cities.

The measurements should be taken as far away as possible from cell phone antennas
and from power lines underneath which the intensity of electromagnetic field may
reach 100 V per meter.  They should also be taken as far away as possible from
high voltage power lines underneath which the  intensity of electromagnetic field
may reach 10.000 V per meter. The individual being measured should approach
the measuring individual in such a way as that the measuring individual could
see through his video-recording whether the power density is rising with the
approaching individual who is being measured. The experiment should be
repeated several times. The device for the measurement in Volts per meter
of intensity of electromagnetic fields in frequencies from 5 Hz to 400 KHz
(more accurately 1 microwatt per square centimeter) and power density of
 electromagnetic fields in frequencies from 300 Megahertz to 2000 Megahertz (2 Gigahertz)
in milliwats per square centimeter is the Electromagnetic Radiation Detector DT-1180
 which can be found on the Internet and can be bought for 21 U.S. dollars.      

As for frequency counters it is rather impossible to find evidence of microchips both
inside and outside the city, due to the overwhelming presence of electromagnetic
waves in the modern environment. But there are caves or ancient mines accessible
to the public, where electromagnetic waves in microwave frequencies do not penetrate.
The staff at those sites does not object to performing measurements in their facilities.
 If the chip is not getting its energy from the outside antenna, it should still be working,
even when it is in a cave or a mine.  It should be measured with a frequency counter and
also with a device which can measure the power density.

Please note that the Aceco FC-6002 Mk2 frequency counter which can record frequencies
up to 6 Gigahertz can be bought for 149 euros. The measurements should be recorded
on a camera. They should also be repeated on the same spot without the measured
individual's presence and on a person who is not claiming to be targeted by brain control
radiation.  The measurements should be repeated several times in front of the camera.
The video recordings should be then presented to scientists who have access to
electromagnetically shielded rooms and they should be asked to check the presence
of the chip with their equipment. The scientific evidence should then be presented to
the media and the courts. To save money one could start by buying only the
electromagnetic radiation detector. If any of you may find the evidence, would you b
e so kind as to let me know at my e-mail address .    

There is one more experiment which could be worth trying, though it would
not bring out any objective evidence. We should try and see to which extent
the experience of an individual who claims to be targeted would change when
the magnetic field where he is changes. When Ross Adey carried out his experiments
with calcium efflux from neurons, other scientists found out that they had
to use microwave pulses frequencies different from Ross Adey's, so as t
to obtain the same results. When searching for the reason for this phenomenon,
they found out that the variations of the strength of the earth's magnetic field at
the locations of their experiments were responsible for the variations in effective
pulse frequencies in their experiments. Finally, Ross Adey placed next to
a chicken some brains he was experimenting with a Helmholtz coil, which cut in
half the earth magnetic fields. Now, to cause the efflux of calcium from neurons
he needed a frequency of microwave pulses of 30 Herz instead of pulse frequency
of 15 Herz.  The explanation for this phenomenon is the cyclotron resonance. 
For this purpose, it would be important to see if the experience of a targeted person
would change in the presence of a strong artificial magnetic field or Helmholtz coil.

In the 70’s of the past century the hairdryers' helmets produced magnetic fields
of about 30 Gauss. The strength of the earth magnetic field varies from 0,25 to 0,65 Gauss.
If the current hairdryers' helmets still  produce strong magnetic fields, it would
be worth seeing if the experience of a targeted person would change, when he or
she is drying his/her hair in the helmet. If not,  it would be worth a try to buy
the oldfashion helmet. Should the experience of several people claiming
to be targeted change on account of the earth’s magnetic field, then this would be
a definite proof that those people are subjected to the effects of pulsed
microwave radiation. So there only remains to find the carrier frequency used
against those individuals. If any of you try it, please let me know the results at .

 Another way of experiencing a strong artificial magnetic field would be getting
the opportunity to be checked with magnetic resonance which usually takes over
half an hour. Solenoid would work as well.      
There should be a list on the Internet which should be strictly dedicated to
scientific research concentrating on the possible use of pulsed electromagnetic
waves on human beings.     

 I came across a proposal from Chinese scientists
on the Internet some eight years ago. It was about developing a direct brain
to brain communication with the use of the concept of non-local electron and
photon connection. This concept of quantum physics states that when two electrons
or photons meet, their reactionsbecome coupled, no matter how far away from e
ach other they are. There is strong likelihood that if the photons and electrons
in two brains or in a single brain and a neurocomputer are made to meet,
the two brains or a single brain and a neurocomputer will become intertwined.

As we have previously seen, the near infrared light can be made to go 20 centimeters
deep into the brain. This could be possibly the way to make the photons
in two brains meet and to interconnect one brain with the other brain or
with the computer simulating brain activity. I do realize that detecting
such a malicious act coming from some government organizations is
rather impossible once it is done. We may rightly wonder whether
the weapons using unknown physics concepts may include them. 
Please note that the Russians have recently announced the development
of such concepts. The possible defence against this kind of manipulation
of the human brain could be the replacement of”acquainted" photons in
the brain by new photons, through a long exposure to near infrared light.
If anybody tries it, it would be worth getting the near infrared light generator
to go 20 cm deep into the tissue with adjusted waveshape. Please make sure t
hat it does not generate near infrared light which warms up the tissue and
could cause brain damage. The near infrared light warms up the tissue
only at 0.2 degree Celsius. If anybody tries this, please let me know the results at .          

As a conclusion, I would like to stress once again that in modern days, with the
incredible advances science and technology are making, the ban on accessing 
 the human brain with various radiations from the part of governments and 
malicious organizations or individuals should be written in the constitutions
of all the countries worldwide. Otherwise, the concepts of the independence
of a human being and democracy would be destroyed.      

At the present time the major obstacle to reaching this goal is the struggle
of the USA and its financial and corporate elites to achieve global power rather
than sharing it with Russia, with the European Union and with other
democratic countries including China. If the human world is supposed
to have any humanistic and democratic future, the struggle for world domination
by individual governments must definitely be put to an end.

Article written by Mojmir BABACEK in November 2014. 
Edited by Rudy ANDRIA in December 2014.

La traduction française de ce texte, par Rudy Andria , se trouve à :


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