Une carence en zinc et en sélénium peut aggraver le COVID

 De : https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/11/10/zinc-and-selenium-deficiency.aspx?

Une carence en zinc et en sélénium 

peut aggraver le COVID

Par Dr Mercola.  10-11-21


Des données  venant de  Belgique révèlent que les patients présentant des carences en zinc et en sélénium, en particulier ceux présentant des comorbidités associées à des  COVID sévères , présentaient un risque plus élevé de mortalité et de maladie grave. 

Jusqu'à 1 milliard de personnes dans le monde pourraient être déficientes en sélénium avec des symptômes pouvant inclure la perte de cheveux, la fatigue, la prise de poids, un déclin du  système immunitaire et  du processus cognitif 

La carence en zinc peut affecter jusqu'à 2 milliards de personnes dans le monde et peut être responsable de plus de 450 000 décès chaque année chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans. Les signes de carence peuvent inclure une faible immunité, un manque d'appétit, une perte de cheveux, de l'acné et une perte du goût et de l'odorat 

Le rôle du zinc dans la lutte contre les coronavirus est connu depuis au moins 2010 ; le zinc a besoin d'aide pour entrer dans la cellule pour combattre les virus. Bien que l'hydroxychloroquine soit efficace, de nouvelles données montrent que la quercétine peut avoir la même fonction, tout en étant moins chère et plus facile à obtenir 

Choisissez des aliments riches en zinc et en sélénium, notamment du bœuf ou du poulet élevé au pâturage, des œufs élevés au pâturage, des graines de citrouille, des noix du Brésil et des sardines 

Une autre étude (1) a démontré l'importance  de niveaux adéquats de zinc et de sélénium chez les patients atteints de COVID-19, et en particulier chez ceux qui ont des comorbidités identifiées qui peuvent augmenter la gravité de la maladie. Il s'agit notamment de l'hypertension artérielle, des maladies respiratoires, de l'obésité, du cancer et du diabète de type 2. 

Le corps humain est un organisme complexe qui utilise de multiples vitamines, minéraux et éléments essentiels pour maintenir une santé optimale. Le sélénium et le zinc sont deux nutraceutiques qui sont importants pour la santé immunitaire et une variété d'autres fonctions. Bien que ces deux éléments soient importants, il est essentiel de comprendre qu'ils font partie des besoins généraux de votre corps en matière de santé et de bien-être. 

Cela signifie qu'il est important de reconnaître les rôles que jouent le zinc et le sélénium pendant que vous cherchez à obtenir un équilibre d'autres vitamines et minéraux pour soutenir votre santé. Le zinc est le deuxième oligo-élément le plus abondant dans le corps humain.(2) Bien qu'il soit vital pour la santé, votre corps ne peut pas le stocker. Vous devez consommer des aliments contenant du zinc tous les jours pour répondre aux besoins de votre corps. 

Le zinc est essentiel au bon fonctionnement de plus de 100 enzymes liées au développement du cerveau, des os, des reins, du foie, du pancréas et des muscles.(3) Vous connaissez peut-être le rôle que joue le zinc dans la réduction du rhume, comme la recherche l'a montré. réduisez la durée de votre rhume de 33 % en moyenne.(4) 

Le sélénium est un élément important que votre corps utilise pour inhiber la réplication et les mutations du virus à ARN.(5) Le minéral a été découvert en 1817. Le sélénium est ajouté à la fabrication du verre et pour fabriquer des pigments pour la céramique, les peintures et les plastiques.(6) Vous connaissez peut-être contre  les pellicules, le  shampooing contenant du sélénium car il est toxique pour le champignon de type levure qui crée les pellicules.(7) 

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Deficits Together With Comorbidities Lead to Worse Outcomes

Seeking predictive markers to better stratify patients at hospital admission, researchers engaged a cross-sectional study8of 138 patients admitted to Ghent University Hospital and A Z Jan Palfijn Hospital in Ghent, Belgium. On admission, levels of trace elements were determined using serum or plasma levels for selenium, zinc, iron and copper.

Researchers also measured selenoprotein p levels, which require selenium for full expression. These enzymatically active proteins include glutathione peroxidases, thioredoxin reductases or iodothyronine deiodinases. The crucial role these enzymes play in regulating reactive oxygen species means selenium is closely related to your immune and inflammatory responses.

The patients were aged 18 to 100 years with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis and 52% were over the age of 65 years. Additionally, 17% of the participants were over 80 years old. Data on age, diagnosis and sex were available for both study locations.

However, information on risk factors and comorbidities, such as Type 2 diabetes, cancer and obesity, were only available at UZ Gent identified as Study 1, and not at JPH Ghent, identified as Study 2.9 There were 79 participants in Study 1 and 59 participants in Study 2.

The researchers separated the classification for severity of disease into five categories. However, there were only 15 patients in category A who had mild disease. Therefore, the first and second classifications were merged into a category of patients who had low oxygen requirements for data processing.

On admission to the hospital, all patients in Study 1 had blood work to measure copper, iron, zinc and selenium status. Patients were then stratified into male and female, above and below age 65 and with or without comorbidities. The researchers found that copper levels were adequate in most of the patients and iron levels were higher in males than in females.

Patients with cancer had significant deficits in selenium and zinc. Three of the five patients with the lowest levels of iron, who also had profound selenium and zinc deficits, died during the study. Analysis of the data demonstrated that there were particularly low levels of selenium and zinc in the majority of patients who were hospitalized at one of two hospital sites.

When patients with comorbidities were analyzed, there was a pronounced deficit in selenium, zinc and iron in cancer patients and a higher survival chance in those cancer patients with higher levels of selenium.

Disease severity was associated with low levels of selenium and mortality was associated with zinc deficiency, particularly in patients with diabetes. However, the majority of those who died had a combination of selenium and zinc deficit. The researchers concluded that the data confirmed:10

“... an insufficient Se (total Se and SELENOP) and Zn status at admission to the hospital is associated with an exceptionally high mortality risk and severe disease course with COVID-19.

In view of the predictive accuracy of Se and Zn deficiency as mortality risk factor at hospital admission, supplemental Se and Zn supply should be considered to support the immune system, in particular for patients with inflammation-related comorbidities like cancer or diabetes mellitus.”

How the Body Uses Selenium and Signs of Deficiency

The results of this study support another published in Environmental Research11 in early 2021 that demonstrated a relationship between selenium and severity of coronavirus disease. The writers of the paper proposed that insufficiency or deficiency could be a crucial factor in the development of severe acute respiratory syndrome from an infection with SARS-CoV-2.

The data looked at the relationship between soil levels of selenium in different cities in Hubei Province, China, and the incidence and severity of COVID-19 in those areas. They found baseline information that demonstrated selenium had an effect on the prevention and management of the infection.

Selenium is a nutritionally essential trace mineral found in foods and is necessary for the optimal function for many antioxidants.12 For example, selenium is required for the expression of five identified glutathione peroxidases,13 which reduce the damage from reactive oxygen species. These enzymes are also important in male fertility.

Selenium is found in the soil where it concentrates in plant foods. However, experts estimate that up to 1 billion people worldwide may be affected by a selenium deficiency due to inadequate intake.14 Those who have a deficiency in selenium are at higher risk of conditions that affect the endocrine system, cardiovascular system, immune system and reproductive system and that may affect mood and behavior.

Although it's necessary to have plasma or serum testing to determine if you are deficient, there are several symptoms that may indicate you aren't getting enough selenium in your diet. These can include:15,16,17

Hair loss


Weight gain

Sick more often

Greater oxidative stress

Shortness of breath

Cognitive decline

Muscle weakness

Zinc Is Crucial for Immune Function

If you were not aware before COVID-19 that zinc helps shorten the length of viral illnesses, you probably have heard it since. Zinc is found in many cold preparations and is essential to cellular metabolism. Severe deficiency is rare18 and often associated with an inherited condition called acrodermatitis enteropathica.

However, acquired deficiency or insufficiency is possible through a lack of dietary intake, malabsorption syndrome or chronic alcoholism. According to Oregon State University,19 deficiency may affect up to 2 billion people worldwide. Zinc deficiency is attributed to more than 450,000 deaths every year in children under the age of 5.

Signs of zinc deficiency or high levels of insufficiency are related to the functions zinc has in the body.20 This includes poor neurological function.21 Zinc plays a strong role in your immune system, so low levels can lead to weak immunity.

Persistent diarrhea,22 lack of appetite and hair loss are attributed to insufficient levels of zinc. Individuals with resistant acne may consider a zinc insufficiency,23 or those who have lost the sense of taste and smell.24

Quercetin Improves Function of Zinc in COVID-19

In 2010,25 researchers recognized the intracellular function of zinc against coronaviruses, and the need for zinc ionophores to actively transport zinc into the cell. During 2020, treatment with hydroxychloroquine, a zinc ionophore, with zinc and azithromycin, was published26 by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko who experienced significant success with them in his patient population.

Since that time, two studies have been published that demonstrate the function of quercetin is safe, far less expensive and much easier to obtain than hydroxychloroquine. In the first study,27 there were 42 outpatients with COVID-19 who were divided to receive standard medical therapy or standard therapy with 600 milligrams (mg) of quercetin for seven days, followed by another seven days of 400 mg per day.

After one week, 16 of the 21 in the group taking quercetin tested negative for COVID-19 and 12 reported all symptoms had diminished. In the second study,28 researchers gave 152 outpatients with COVID-19 a daily dose of 1,000 mg of quercetin for 30 days.

The scientists found there was a reduction in frequency and length of hospitalization in the patient group. There were also less need for noninvasive oxygen therapy and lower numbers of individuals who were admitted to the intensive care unit. They concluded:29

“QP (Quercetin Phytosome®) is a safe agent and in combination with standard care, when used in the early stage of viral infection, could aid in improving the early symptoms and help in preventing the severity of COVID-19 disease. It is suggested that a double-blind, placebo-controlled study should be urgently carried out to confirm the results of our study.”

Food Choices High in Zinc and Selenium

I recommend getting as many of your essential vitamins, minerals and elements from your diet as possible. The recommended daily allowance for zinc ranges from 2 mg for infants to 11 mg to 8 mg for men and women over the age of 19.30 Food sources include oysters, pasture raised beef, dark meat chicken, pumpkin seeds and dry roasted cashews.

The recommended daily allowance for selenium ranges from 15 micrograms (mcg) for infants to 55 mcg for men and women over 19 years.31 The best food sources of selenium are Brazil nuts. Just six to eight nuts deliver 544 mcg, or 989% of your daily allowance. Other sources include sardines, pasture raised beef, turkey, chicken and pasture-raised eggs.

For a short time, while you’re ill, it may be helpful to supplement with zinc and selenium. Supplementation with zinc greater than the upper intake level for one to two weeks during a cold has not resulted in serious side effects.32However, long-term consumption can result in a copper deficiency, which affects your immune system.

Dietary supplements for selenium can be found in multivitamins and as a standalone product. Data demonstrates supplementation lowers total plasma cholesterol but does not prevent heart disease. In one study33 reported by the NIH, selenium in combination with vitamins C and E, beta carotene and zinc improved memory and semantic fluency test scores.


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