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Poutine met en garde l'Amérique et l'Occident en cas d'intervention directe en Ukraine

 De :

(1)Russia will respond “lightning-fast”

(2)carried out a missile strike

(3)America is funding, arming and training Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.)

(4)our retaliatory strikes

(5)ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads.


(7)a “lightning-fast” retaliation

More related stories:

Russia’s Gazprom HALTS gas flows to Poland and Germany; Europe in PANIC as rolling blackouts are inevitable unless Europe finds RUBLES.

U.S. military running out of key munitions including anti-tank Javelins by gifting them to Ukraine as production capacity falls.

Russia launches phase two of its invasion with the goal of occupying the disputed Donbas region in eastern Ukraine.

US weapons package for Ukraine includes 100 KILLER DRONES.

Russia vows to block transfer of S-300 missile defense system to Ukraine, threatens to target arms shipments.


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