HEZBOLLAH - Phase 2 de la résistance

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The Resistance Begins Phase 2 – Hezbollah Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

The story continues from Part 1 – – –

1. New Weapon Systems

Moreover, the military correspondent for the Israeli Army Radio said that Hezbollah has carried out a number of “high-quality attacks on more distant targets, using more advanced military weapons.”

On Thursday, Hezbollah launched an airstrike via an Ababil-T drone armed with two Soviet-era S-5 rockets on a grouping of Israeli soldiers in Metulla. At the same time, Hezbollah has introduced new methods to its attacks, maintaining a high output of operations, including complex and composite attacks. An Israeli laments:  “Israel fired 5 Iron Dome missiles at 3 drones and perhaps more and shot down only one. What do we do when a swarm of 100 or 200 arrives?”

 Hezbollah announced that it had targeted an Israeli garrison and vehicles in the vicinity of the settlement’s military site through an Ababil drone armed with two S5 rockets. The airstrike marked the first-ever airstrike launched by Lebanon, Hezbollah’s first-ever airstrike, and the first airstrike to be carried out against the Israeli occupation since the October 1973 war, by any Arab country.

In its statement, the resistance said that when the drone reached the designated point, it fired two rockets at one of the vehicles and the soldiers gathered around it, inflicting devastating damage on the Israeli forces before then carrying out a kamikaze attack on the designated target.

For its part, Israeli media reported that Hezbollah used, for the first time, a drone armed with S5 rockets, an air-to-surface missile, to attack Metula. Hezbollah bombed the David Cohen factory of the Company in Tel Hai. The David Cohen factory struck in the attack specializes in producing electronic systems for the Israeli forces. The Lebanese Resistance group confirmed that the specified targets were hit accurately, achieving the intended objectives of this limited operation. Hezbollah added that the operation came in response to the assassinations carried out by the Israeli occupation forces. He added that “Israel” fears withdrawing from Gaza because that would mean its defeat, which comprises a “disaster” for the entity, indicating that the Israeli leadership “has no vision for the day after the war.”

Israel’s losses were not limited to Gaza as Hezbollah escalated attacks from Lebanon in response to the war on the Strip.

On May 11, the group attacked an Iron Dome air defense system deployed at a base near the settlement of Beit Hillel with three suicide drones. On May 13, more drones were launched by the group at the barracks in the same base.

And on May 14, Hezbollah attacked a small surveillance aerostat and its control room at the Adamit site with guided missiles, killing an Israeli. On May 15, Israel’s state-of-the-art Sky Dew radar early warning aerostat was damaged in a drone attack by the group on its home base near the settlement of Ilaniya.

In addition, Israel faced six attacks with suicide drones and cruise missiles by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq between May 11 and 15.

In addition to the war between Israel and Hezbollah, the occupation state has intensified its killing of Lebanese resistance leaders at various levels, specifically targeting field commanders directly involved on the frontlines. These assassinations are part of a longstanding conflict between the two sides, not merely a reaction to the events following Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October. The elimination of these resistance leaders is often framed within the occupation state as a significant achievement. However, it often serves more to influence the sentiment within the settler community and the security establishment than to achieve strategic victories against Hezbollah. Hezbollah fired over at sensitive Israeli sites in the occupied Golan Heights and Galilee on 4 July in response to the killing of one of the group’s top commanders in an Israeli airstrike one day earlier.  Large fires blazed across northern Israel as a result of the attacks. 

 On Saturday evening a car was hit by an Israeli airstrike on the Baalbek – Al-Qaa highway in northeast Lebanon. Israeli army radio reported the killing of a member of the resistance’s group’s engineering.  Hezbollah launched dozens of rockets and drones targeting several Israeli bases in the lower and eastern Galilee on 7 July in response to the assassination of one of the group’s members in northeastern Lebanon a day earlier.  Among the targets was the Nimra base west of the city of Tiberias, marking one of Hezbollah’s deepest strikes into Israeli territory.  “The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance bombed on Sunday 07-07-2024 the Nimra Base (one of the main bases in the northern region) west of Tiberias, with dozens of Katyusha rockets,” it said in a statement. 

Separately, the Lebanese resistance targeted the spy equipment at the Al-Raheb site earlier on Sunday morning. Nasrallah made several comments over the past few days. Here, we relate the most important ones:

 “ – – the goals of our manpower, and social fabric are being met, which will eventually force the Israeli occupation to halt its aggression on Gaza – –   the Israeli occupation forces are fearful not just of an incursion into the Galille,  but even the notion of infiltration, prompting it to bolster human presence to compensate for technological thereby increasing its strain”.

He also warned Israel for the last time that “if any civilian in Lebanon is targeted from now on, we shall hit new settlements that were not attacked so far”.  Hezbollah is introducing a new equation: no more apologies for civilian casualties, but an immediate response.” And, here is the best one;

“If your tanks come to Lebanon, you will not suffer from a shortage of tanks, because you will have no tanks left.”

2. Hoopoe Mission

Wednesday’s operations come just a day after the massive intelligence feat achieved by Hezbollah, as the Military Media of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon released footage on Tuesday 2nd July  showing its reconnaissance drones flying over swathes of occupied Palestinian land, including Kiryat Shmona, Nahariya, Safad, Karmiel, Afula, all the way to Haifa and its port.

Titled “the nine-minute-and-a-half video”, it captured footage and exposed sensitive Israeli sites. Hezbollah indicated that the video was only the first episode of more yet to come, highlighting that the drones bypassed Israeli air defenses and returned to Lebanese airspace undetected. In detail, the video first shows Hezbollah’s drones flying over a military-industrial complex belonging to Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, which includes numerous factories, warehouses, and testing fields in which components of air defense systems are manufactured and assembled, especially the Iron Dome and David’s Sling. They highlighted that one of the most important things documented by the Hoopoe is the area of ​​the military-industrial complex affiliated with the Rafael Company, which is an extremely sensitive area.  The video showed Iron Dome and David’s Sling platforms, rocket engine test tunnel and storage, air defense missile storage, missile component manufacturing facilities, control and guidance systems factories, company administrative buildings, and missile testing radars, all appeared in the video. The Hoopoe of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon appears flying over the most sensitive installations, not just the Haifa military base.

In the same context, Hezbollah’s video includes three types of potential targets: military (the Military-Industrial Complex and the Haifa Military Base), civilian (the Krayot area), and strategic (Haifa Port and its facilities).

They added that the three types of potential targets are meant to establish a three-dimensional balance of deterrence against “Israel”, with each dimension relating to the type of target “Israel” may strike in any confrontation with Lebanon. “Hezbollah wanted to say that the equation is military for military, civilian for civilian, and strategic for strategic,” the sources pointed out.

 A second video followed the first.

Touching on the details of the video, the experts explained that the missile illustrated next to the target card has guiding fins at its front, symbolizing a precise missile, which is a message Hezbollah intended to convey in the video. They noted that the red missile illustrated next to the identification card of Haifa Port indicates that Hezbollah treats this site with a high level of seriousness in terms of potential targeting. According to the experts, this video is only the first episode in a series yet to come, with subsequent episodes showing how far the Resistance’s reconnaissance drones have reached inside occupied Palestinian airspace. The timing of releasing the video is undoubtedly linked to Israel’s threats to invade Lebanon.  The message behind the video has been received, adding that what is happening now is not a field war but a war of awareness that proved that the Israeli occupation army, once described as the “invincible army”, has been defeated and retreated. The video unveiled dozens of “super vital” targets, demonstrating that the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon possesses highly advanced capabilities. Israeli media described what Hezbollah’s drones documented as “disturbing” and “very dangerous”.

 The name “Hoopoe”, which is a type of bird, reflects the long distance that Hezbollah’s drones traveled in occupied Palestinian lands before returning with such valuable scenes.

Hezbollah knows the geography of these Israeli targets and their divisions in detail and knows the degree of importance of each one of them.

A screen grab from a video published by the Military Media of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon showing vital Israeli targets only known to the occupation’s security apparatus (Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Military Media)

Each of the targets pinpointed in Hezbollah’s latest coordinate’s footage has its own geographical position and divisions. Hezbollah knows the geography of these targets and their divisions in detail and knows the degree of importance of each one of them, explaining that in the geographical position of each target, there is a vital point that practically constitutes the core of the target. This is the first time that Hezbollah has alluded to its point-blank missiles, which differ from precision missiles.

In addition, the information reveals that there are numerous targets at sea, including gas  platforms, supply lines, and ships with multiple functions, with each energy field at sea containing a significant number of high-priority targets.

Hezbollah’s latest video included snippets of its Secretary-General in which he warned the Israeli occupation that the Resistance would fight with no restraints or limits if war were imposed on Lebanon. 

“Israel” will regret waging war on Lebanon, he said. The HaKirya complex, which includes the headquarters of the Ministry of Security, the General Staff, and many of the senior military staff leaders, was also shown. 

A list of the potential targets included in the video: Vital targets in Haifa

  • Ashdod port
  • Hadera power station
  • Ramat David Military Airport in Afula
  • Pengrion Airport
  • Nevatim base
  • Oil refineries on the coast
  • Negev rules
  • Satellite area in Yehuda
  • Research Center at Dimona Nuclear Reactor

 A few days later, Hezbollah released a second video highlighting even more “juicy” targets for the group. Then came a 3rd video, which gave the IOF a cardiac event.

A 3rd Video- The Golan Heights

Coinciding with increased threats from Israel about a wider war on Lebanon late last month, Hezbollah released a 3rd drone footage that showed the group possesses precise coordinates for numerous, highly sensitive Israeli targets it can strike. But, this footage showed the Golan Heights, and in particular, Israel’s most sensitive and important spy station- atop Mount Hermon. A few days later, Hezbollah fired many rockets, drones and missiles at this site- causing untold damage.

The videos reinforced fears that the Israeli army and state are not prepared for war with Hezbollah.

3. Power Grid

According to the CEO of a company that manages and oversees Israel’s electrical systems on behalf of the government, Israel is entirely unprepared for a war with Hezbollah that would likely target the country’s power infrastructure. “We are not ready for a real war. We live in a fantasy world, in my eyes,” said Shaul Goldstein, head of Noga – the Israel Independent System Operator.

Goldstein made the comments while speaking at a conference organized by The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in the southern city of Sderot. He said that Israel would be “uninhabitable” after 72 hours without power. “You look at all of our infrastructure, the optical fibers, the ports – and I won’t go into the sensitive things – we are not in a good place.”

“If Nasrallah decides to paralyze Israel’s power grid, he only needs to pick up the phone and call the head of Beirut’s power grid, which is technically identical to Israel’s.” Goldstein added, “The upside is that we have invested a lot in protection, working together with Israel Electric Company.”

Hezbollah says it has rockets that can hit all areas of Israel, including precision missiles, drones, and anti-tank, anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles.

Overall, the cost Israel is paying for the war on Gaza is increasing every day. The country is also facing more international pressure. Meanwhile, the war is yet to achieve any of its stated goals.  Hezbollah has turned up the heat on its  against Israeli military sites in recent days, coinciding with the continued indiscriminate bombardment of south Lebanon and increasing Israeli threats of a wide-scale war against the country . It has said that while it does not want a wider war, it is prepared to fight one if it is imposed on Lebanon. 

Today, the occupation media admits they’ve lost control of occupied Palestine’s border with Lebanon, with returning settlers to the north of occupied Palestine, becoming another impossible goal for the entity on top of its other failed objectives.

Today, nearly the entire region between the Lebanese-Palestinian border and the line from Nahariya to Safad in occupied Palestine is mostly deserted. The General Director of former Israeli Prime Minister Rabin’s office, Shimon Sheves, takes it a step further, saying that “Israel” has clearly lost occupied al-Jalil, admitting that “Israel’s security belt with Lebanon now passes through the Amiad-Acre line.”

All the while, the disintegration of “Israel” became more apparent both in terms of territory and in terms of the functioning of the occupation entity government. A Haaretz-published article, as shown in the graphic, highlights the new border thanks to Hezbollah Resistance. “Israel” in the aftermath of a potential ceasefire has no plan or course to recover the northern border of the land it occupies, with Hezbollah well on its way to establishing a new security zone.

 “Disintegrating” Israel

The Zionist project of the Rothschild clan is literally disintegrating in front of their eyes. From the familys’ viewpoint, these last 5 years have been a nightmare. Their global empire began to fracture- from implementing the Covid con (in order to save the hopelessly insolvent Trans-Atlantic financial system), to the defeat of the Project Ukraine, and now to the existential threat looming ahead of them of their Zionist project.

Having had it with the occupation government’s inability to return settlers, the territorial collapse began to take place alongside the internal administrative collapse within the entity. The northern occupied Palestine region Margaliot settlement recently seceded from the Zionist entity, having echoed loud complaints from both settlers and its administration for “lack of protection” from the Zionist government. In August, a month and a half before Al-Aqsa Flood, some Margaliot settlers admitted to preferring Hezbollah’s protection. Days after the Rafah invasion under the completely un-intercepted and accurate strikes waged by Hezbollah drones, leaders of northern Israeli settlements convened in “Israel’s” “Conflict Zone” forum to separate into the independently-run “State of Galilee.”

4. Bibi’s Threats to Invade Lebanon

Amos Hochstein is an Israeli citizen who served in the IOF. Then he went and joined the US State department, and became a US envoy to Lebanon. Thus, when the Lebanese Arabs meet with Hochstein, they see an Israeli “baby-killer/rapist/murderer/thief” who comes to threaten Lebanon under the guise of a US government employee and diplomat. The Arabs of the region are not stupid when they come face to face with these mobsters.

On May 31, Hochstein again made his rounds to Beirut in futile attempts to bribe Lebanon with 12 more hours of electricity in exchange for a restoration of the pre-October 7 status quo on the Israeli-occupied Palestinian border. Israeli-born soldier and Amos Hochstein and adviser to Biden on Lebanon, traveled to Israel and Lebanon in June and July amid the heightened tensions. In Israel, Hochstein met with Netanyahu, Herzog, Gallant, Yair Lapid, and Benny Gantz. Hochstein warned of the possibility that war with Hezbollah could lead to a wide-scale Iranian attack on Israel, of a kind that would be difficult for Israel’s defense systems to repel in concert with possible wide-scale fire by Hezbollah from Lebanon.

Israeli leaders have, for months, been threatening to “copy & paste” the destruction of Gaza onto Lebanon if Hezbollah did not halt its attacks from the north, which forced the evacuation of some 200,000 settlers. In mid-June, the Israeli army announced its Northern Command had approved operational plans for war with Lebanon.

Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese MP and spokesman Ibrahim Moussawi said earlier this week that if Israel wants a full-scale war, the Islamic resistance is ready. “If they want to come to Lebanon, they are welcome. We are waiting for them. Ahlan wa Sahlan, as they say in Arabic,” he stated. Moussawi noted that Israel is having difficulty managing the war in Gaza and asked where Israel would get the troops to launch a much more difficult invasion of Lebanon. “They can’t manage themselves in Gaza, and they want to come here? In Gaza, they are not fighting. They are just bombarding and sending drones. But if they do come, we are anxiously waiting for them. We have made preparations that they can never imagine,” he added. 

As the Zionist entity comes to terms with the collapse of its deterrence power and reaps the fruits of its absence of strategy, the US likewise failed in its attempts to lessen the burden of Hezbollah’s Resistance operations against the Zionist entity by negotiating separate peace deals with the Lebanese Resistance group.  

  Hezbollah, however, has made it clear for months, in the face of myriad French and American attempts, that scaling back its pressure on the Zionist entity from the northern occupied Palestinian front completely rests on ending the war on Gaza. In his latest speech, Nasrallah also hinted at the interconnected fate of Palestine with Lebanon in emphasizing why Hezbollah has entered this fight on Gaza’s side: “This battle means the future of Lebanese wealth and sovereignty, just as it is for Palestine.”

Still using just a fraction of its capabilities, Hezbollah then further took down the already disabled north of occupied Palestine, with completely un-intercepted Burkan rockets and kamikaze drones resulting in nonstop fires, at a range of 35 km over 30 locations across those settlements, most notably in Kiryat Shmona and the occupied Golan. All that is left, as per Israeli officials, is for Hezbollah’s elite Radwan units to march right through.

As between Hezbollah and Israel, analysts are meticulously war-gaming potential conflict scenarios. For Netanyahu and his religious-nationalist coalition, a confrontation with the Lebanese resistance movement is more than speculation – it is a strategic consideration. This coalition views a potential war as a means to address longstanding security concerns and strengthen its political position.

A key part of Tel Aviv’s strategic thinking is the hope that the US might be forced into taking a more active role in confronting Israel’s adversaries – Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran – thereby neutralizing threats that have persisted for decades. This concept of “clearing the decks” of regional enemies remains a central theme in Israeli strategic discussions.

Historical Roots of Israel’s Strategic Confidence

For the occupation state, this potential conflict is a “war of choice” driven by historical and ethno-nationalist motivations. But it is also premised on past Israeli military advantages that are long gone in today’s missile-laden Middle East.

The Six-Day War of 1967 fostered a belief in the invincibility of the Israeli military, the superiority of Zionism, and the manifest destiny of its ‘chosen people.’ In 1967, the psychological impact on neighboring Arab states was profound due to the decisive defeat of their armies. It was with similar hubris that Adolf Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa against the Soviet Union in 1941.This sentiment persisted until 2006, when Lebanon’s Hezbollah emerged politically victorious, shattering the perception of Israeli invulnerability and altering regional power dynamics.

Fast forward two decades, and today, Israelis are informing US officials “that they can invade Lebanon in a shock and awe operation, and that it would be over quickly, meeting its entire objective.” Further shaping Israeli delusions of military superiority is the ethno-nationalist rhetoric prevalent in Tel Aviv’s policy decision-making circles, who have revived the ideologies of the extremists.  While a few sober military voices in Israel advocate for a diplomatic solution to the northern border crisis, hubris and ethno-nationalism currently dominate the discourse.

Conversely, for Hezbollah and Iran, this conflict is a “war of necessity,” something neither can publicly admit nor provoke directly. Both have been marginalized and sanctioned by the US on Israel’s behalf, causing untold domestic pressures and economic hardships – an untenable situation that demands a direct challenge of Israeli policies. But reversing sanctions cannot happen at the negotiating table. Israelis are arrogant and obstinate; they will not negotiate in good faith. They only understand military force.

Strategic Imperatives for Hezbollah and Iran

Iran and Hezbollah must drag Israel to the edge of the precipice. Tel Aviv must stare into the abyss and realize that with a gentle push by the region’s Resistance Axis, it will lie mangled at the bottom of the chasm. Iran–Hezbollah, however, cannot push it over the edge, as this could lead to a nuclear nightmare. Today, in its “war of choice,” Israel has already at using “unprecedented” and “unspecified” weapons against Hezbollah, implying a possible nuclear threat.

The Axis must instead show Israel a path back from the edge: a treaty that settles outstanding concerns. Tehran offered Tel Aviv and Washington a deal in 2003 but was rejected. A new grand bargain is indispensable for Israel and the Axis of Resistance, yet the conditions for a lasting treaty is Israel’s military defeat by the Axis. The threats and counter-threats are flying, each aiming to gain “leverage” and deterrence.

Earlier this month, Iranian foreign affairs adviser to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Kamal Kharrazi, said that were Israel to launch an all-out offensive against Hezbollah, the Islamic Republic and other factions of the Axis of Resistance would support Lebanon with necessary.

Iran has previously warned that it may be compelled to in response to Israeli aggression.  Iran, even without nuclear capabilities, has the ballistic missile and warhead capabilities to destroy Tel Aviv, Haifa, and other major cities. Israel is a “one-bomb country”: it is minuscule, and its population is concentrated in a few central hubs. Iran and the Axis do not have any need for multiple nuclear warheads.

As General Hajizadah explained in a speech, the Khorramshahr missile can deliver 80 warheads. If the IRGC launched 100 missiles, that’s 8,000 warheads on major Israeli cities. Israel would be foolish to trust in its integrated air defense system after the IRGC’s successful on 13 April.

Finally, the Iraqi Resistance or the IRI has announced that its fighters are ready to come to Lebanon’s aid if Israel dares to attack. They said that 1000s of fighters will face Israel in the Golan Heights as they intend to come to the front line via Syria! There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know.— Former US secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld

2024 is not 2006

Comparing the potential 2024 conflict with the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah war is a popular frame of reference, but both sides have learned lessons since then. In particular, there have been significant military advancements over the past 18 years.

Hezbollah has developed new tactics and weapons, such as the (ATGM), which has proven effective against Israeli military assets. Additionally, Hezbollah’s air defenses have posed new challenges for Israeli drone offensives. The Israeli air force ruled the skies in 2006, but whether it can do so in 2024 is unclear. Hezbollah has air defense capacity (such as the medium-range surface-to-air missile). It is not known if it has newer models, like Iran’s Khordad-3. This could be a surprise. Israeli intelligence assessments of Hezbollah’s capabilities are likely to be imprecise. Past successes against groups like the PLO and Black September are no longer relevant. Recent failures, such as Tel Aviv’s Hamas Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October, underscore the limitations of Israeli intelligence.

US Involvement

This has been Israel’s objective since 9/11: have Americans fight Israel’s wars. Although Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Charles Brown stated that the US may be to assist Israel, this must not be taken as a serious military assessment. It is a political statement on behalf of the Biden Administration, which does not want to join a major war until after the 5 November election. Netanyahu, however, knows that Israel controls Congress and American media. Congressman Thomas Massie is the exception, among 435 Representatives and 100 Senators, who AIPAC has not bought. Once war begins, Israel’s minions in the White House, media, and Congress will campaign for US military participation. As Netanyahu said, “I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily; move it in the right direction.” He is correct.

If the US intervenes – a high-probability event – Hezbollah and Iran will (reluctantly) welcome it. For the Axis to secure a “Grand Bargain,” it must inflict catastrophic damage on US land-based and sea-based assets in West Asia. Washington will only abandon Israel if ships, bases, and hundreds (or thousands) of American lives are destroyed because of Israel.


Russia is a wildcard, a “known unknown.” The US security apparatus warring against Russia and supporting Israel is top-heavy with Zionists/neo-cons. Iran’s enemies and Israel’s enemies are nearly congruent: Victoria Kagan née Nuland; Kagan family (Robert, Fred, Kim, their Antony Blinken (grandson of a founder of Israel); Avril Haines (Director of National Intelligence); deputy director CIA David Cohen, Alejandro Mayorkas (Secretary of DHS), and more. It behooves Russia to punish its tormentors by damaging the only country to which they are loyal: Israel. 

Moscow has been chafing at US support for Ukraine. The best option for Russia is to respond to America in a similar way: with a hybrid war far from its own borders. The most obvious at the moment is a proxy attack on American forces in the Middle East.    In May 2024, Putin said the same thing.  Defeating the US will increase popular support for Russia among global Muslims and help eject the US from the Middle East – a goal supported by Russia and China.

Iran is “too big to fail”: Moscow has made military and economic investments and alliances with Tehran, particularly after the Ukraine War began, and is on the cusp of signing a new comprehensive cooperation agreement with Tehran. The Kremlin cannot allow Iran to be defeated and the republic to collapse. It will most likely provide intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance support through Russian satellites and aircraft in Syria. Russia allows IRGC to use its Khmeimim air base in Syria because IDF tries to prevent supplies from Iran from arriving at airports in Aleppo and Damascus. Russia could (if not already, given recent air traffic between Russia and the air base) deliver air defense batteries, missiles, and more for the Syrian Army and Hezbollah.

Unknown Unknowns

The factors outlined above, along with China and North Korea’s investments in and relationships with Iran complicate any predictions about the looming war between Israel and the Lebanese resistance. While their direct military participation is unlikely, these nuclear powers could supply Iran with essential weapons and ammunition. The “known unknowns,” a few of which are noted, are enough to complicate war-gaming, but the “unknown unknowns” may render such scenarios moot.

Now, contrast this with the lack of vision “Israel” has for its crumbling future, let alone for the rest of this siege. Since the Zionists’ threatening invasion of Rafah started, the Palestinian Resistance had ambushed, sniped, and destroyed multi-million dollar army vehicles at every turn. Right after the Zionist entity’s Rafah invasion, Hezbollah immediately ramped up its precision strikes on Israeli bases, directly and consistently hitting its targets and destroying entire soldier groupings. It was evident that as “Israel” spent months in the lead-up to the Rafah invasion boasting and threatening, Hamas and Hezbollah spent their time preparing and calculating, intensifying their attacks with scathing intensity and accuracy on both fronts.

As Hamas smoked “Israel” on the ground, Hezbollah worked to neutralize and disable “Israel’s” long-boasted air superiority.

6. Cyprus

  On 19 June, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah warned Cyprus against letting Israel use military bases and airfields on Cyprus to strike targets inside Lebanon. Nasrallah’s warning could be perceived as escalatory, suggesting Hezbollah is dragging a third country into conflict. However, from an operational perspective, it is Israel that is involving Nicosia via military cooperation. Nasrallah’s words gain significance in light of suggesting Israel’s potential use of Cypriot military bases in a future conflict with Lebanon. Hezbollah’s warning became increasingly necessary after emerged suggesting Tel Aviv’s plans for any future war with Lebanon include the use of military bases in Cyprus.


This war of attrition is something that Israel will not win. In the past, they followed the American method of “shock and awe”. That was then, and this new type of warfare is here, which Israel does not understand.

Hezbollah today is “in a much better position” than in 2006 when Israel was handed a humbling defeat at the hands of the resistance. “We don’t need weapons. Our warehouses are full. In fact, we need more warehouses,” he stressed.

“If Israel uses nuclear weapons, it will kill the Israelis before it kills us. This is a very small territory. In any case, we are not afraid of nuclear weapons. The statements by the member of the Israeli cabinet are an example of their arrogance. The west should tell us what it thinks about an Israeli minister suggesting the use of nuclear weapons.”

“If Israel decides to extend the aggression against Lebanon, it will be digging its own grave and giving us a good opportunity to eliminate it once and for all”.

He also took aim at the posture taken by western media outlets, saying they act “as if Israel has a right to the occupied territories and is the victim.”

“The reality is that Palestinians are the occupied ones, and Israel is the occupier. We have to confront the problem of the occupation and not that of resistance to the occupation. For Hezbollah, Israel has no right to exist, and Palestinians are the real owners of that land. But it is up to the Palestinians, including Palestinian Jews, to fight for their freedom”.

Israel and Hezbollah have been exchanging increasingly hostile threats in recent days. Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah warned an invasion of the Galilee is “still on the table” in the event of war.

The colonial project will shrink rapidly without air defenses. When the soldiers leave, the settlers have to leave. This is not a strategic retreat, it’s a strategic defeat. This is not a solution, just dissolution. But it’s all Israel can do. It hasn’t simply lost control of the north; it has lost control of the tempo of this war.


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